In the massage room there should be small sink and soap dispenser. The room should also have prepared place for disinfection measures. You can’t forget that you have to prepare boxes to close for throwaway measures and swabs. In addition, you necessarily have to write on cosmetic’s etiquettes opening and expiration dates.
Social room
If there is one person who works in the salon, you don’t need special prepared social room for the personnel. it looks little different if there is almost one person employed because then you have to prepare that kind of room.
Office equipment
There have to be shower and sink. As much important is the place for cooking and meals eating. If shower is located in social room, it could be used only by employee, not by customers.
There a lot of questions. For example, if there has to be an autoclave in each new office? If it does, could it be used? Today there’s no need to prepare that element.
Which kind of instructions are supposed to hang in the office?
You have to prepare instruction of hand washing for the personnel. You also need instruction of disinfection cosmetics tools and equipment. There should be instruction of proceedings after treatments when some spoilage left. You have to prepare fire-fighting instruction and appoint places for fire extinguisher and emergency exit.
Glasses or throwaway cups?
If you have glasses you will also have to have freezer and sterilizer. There should also be a special place designed for washing and sterilize. If you can’t afford it, it would be better to hand drinks in plastic cubs. There are advices which make preparing beauty salon easier.